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Lyrics written by Robert Smith in december 81. From January -March, Pornography was recorded and mixed in RAK studio 1. Engineered by Phil Thornally, Mike Nocito, & Robert Smith. The Masterisation process was performed in the Master room studio by Arun. |
Promotional Test-pressing LP copy were distibuted for UK magazine in the beginning of April. This one is the LP copy sent to the Sounds UK magazine for a review by Dave McCullough. |
Although the sleeve of 'Pornography' was designed by Ben Kelly with The Cure, Porl Thompson also created a sleeve for the album which depicted naked animals falling from the sky, covering up parts of their bodies with their arms and paws. It was not finished in time to be used as the sleeve. (from The Cure On Record book) |
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Pornography is released the May 3rd 1982 in Vinyl and Tape. First French copy with a sticker. |
Inner sleeve with lyrics and this picture. |
Different sleeve for the Tape |
Siamese Twins version (2002) from the Spinning Tops (Frederic Delalay & Olivier & Lol for drum) |
US Promotional folder and BW picture |
Robert : "We were all living at the Fiction office and, for three years, we'd been almost constantly together. I'd spent more time with Simon & Lol in that period than I had with my girlfirend Mary so I was beginning to feel I'd had enough of being in a band all the time and the cycle just got worse and worse." (from 10 Imaginary Years book) |
14 Explicits Moments Tour begin in the UK in April and finished in UK the May 1st in London. |
Gold records for previous records sold in Netherlands and given during the Pornography tour in this country. |
The Cure in Paris - Olympia - June 1982
Pictures from Claude Gassian Gassian, photographies 1970-2001 book recently available from Claude Gassian |
The Cure in Paris - April 1982 Pictures from Hamon brothers |